E* formerly E-artgroup — a professional artist’s collective, exhibiting and curating exhibitions for over 10 years
E*, list of Art Exhibitions 2018–2020

XrE*al exhibit
If reality itself is the world or the state of things as they actually exist then is XrE*al an abstraction of reality?
Sarah Hahne
Bert Leveille
Victoria Senn
Caren Helene-Rudman
Mary Hilger
Denise Fontana Hoover
Paul Justen
Gabriela Guganovic
Karen Schuman
Nan Seidler
Gail Willert
XrE*al is a themed all media art exhibition in conjunction with the Old CourtHouse Arts Center (OCHAC) on the historic Woodstock Square in Illinois.
Exhibition is open to the public thru Saturday, August 29, 2020
Bridge*s 2019
a themed all media art exhibition in conjunction with the Old CourtHouse Arts Center (OCHAC) on the historic Woodstock Square in Illinois.
Bridge*s by definition
To build or form a bridge over something
To create a change from one situation to another
To make the difference or division between two things smaller or less severe
A structure that is built over something to make one side
accessible to the other
A part of the nose between the eyes
A small piece of wood on a musical instrument over which strings are stretched

“streaming rEflections” — two solo art exhibitions that brings two very different artists together for a unique meditative presentation of nature, technology, and digital art using both traditional and abstract imagery. The artists, BERT LEVEILLE and JEANE KAT McGRAIL, each in their particular art process and approach strive to deliver an art experience exploring the streaming of sensory and mental rEflections of our thoughts and experiences, of both our interior and exterior worlds.
E-artgroup, list of Art Exhibitions 2007–2017

LISTEN - a themed all media art exhibition of E/artists and invited artists
LISTEN artists:
Joan Ackerman-Zimny
Esther Aron
Susan Clough
Peggy Dee
Mary Jean Deja
Jeanine Hill-Soldner
George Lindmark
Peggy Lipschutz
Jeane McGrail
David Orth
John Pittman Weber
Judith Roth
Karen Schuman
Angela Swan
Patricia Tanner
Tom Torluemke
Gail Willert
E/artgroup artists:
Mary Beth Bellon
Sarah Hahne
Mary Hilger
Bert Leveille
Nan Seidler
Victoria Senn

E/artgroup FEARLESS artists:
Andrew Amundsen
Kee Bahe
Linda Behar
Janet Braun-Reinitz
Susan Marie Brundage
Cherie Buck-Hutchison
Carolyn Cohen
Errol Daniels
Toni Elkins
Debra fitzsimmons
Erik Hansen
Jeanine Hill-Soldner
Cynthia Kadonaga
Diane Kennedy
Sai Li
Amy Meissner
Nancy Merkling
Oliver Merriam
Elsie Mort
Paul Murray
Quoctrung Nguyen
Susan Norton-Scott
Linda O’Neill
Elsie Remy
Caren Rudman
Linda Sage
Kathryn Scott
Steven Stanger
Katie Stubblefield
Matthew Sugarman
Jessica Thornton
Alexandra Velardes
Anna Wooden
Tina Ybarra
Micah Zavacky
“Fearless” is a national, juried art exhibit curated by the e/artgroup and hosted by the Old Court House Arts Center on the Historic Town Square in Woodstock, Illinois. “Fearless” is exhibiting concurrently with the Clayworker’s Guild of Illinois.
The e/artgroup is a professional artist’s group that has been exhibiting together for over nine years, as well as exhibiting individually, both locally and nationally. The e/artgroup has curated an annual art show centering on a different theme each year for the last 5 years. For more Information about the e/artgroup and the Old Courthouse Arts Center, please visit:
What is “Fearless”?
fearless is...
intrepid, confident, brave, daring, bold, heroic, courageous, gallant, gutsy, valiant, plucky, game, undaunted, indomitable, unabashed, unafraid, unflinching, dauntless, lion-hearted, valorous, perseverance...
Adj. 1. fearless - oblivious of dangers or perils or calmly resolute in facing them unafraid. Brave, courageous - possessing or displaying courage; able to face and deal with danger or fear without flinching. 2. fearless - invulnerable to fear or intimidation; audacious, dauntless, intrepid, without fear, brave, hardy. Bold - fearless and daring.
What is it like to live in a world of constant uncertainty and fear-mongering? How do you cope...? What makes someone fearless? What do you fear: loss of human rights, disease, climate change, assault, aging, homelessness, death...? Is fearless quiet? Or loud? or both....? What would we be without fear? Is fear a necessary evil of survival...? At what point does fear go too far...? How do you find your own strength and power? How do you empower others...?

END 2015

E/artists left to right: Nan Seidler, Vicki Senn, bert leveille, Mary Hilger and Mary Beth Bellon.

an installation view of the main gallery at Old Courthouse Arts Center on the historic Woodstock Square in Illinois.
E/ND- a themed all-media art exhibit
Mary Beth Bellon
Suzanne Clark
Sarah Hahne
Mary Hilger
bert leveille
Nancy Seidler
Victoria Senn
Sophia Anastasiou-Wasik
Esther Aron
Feng Biddle
Keri Colestock
Brandon Ellis
Nanette Garcia
Carol Hamilton
Joe Isacson
Kathleen Isacson
Paul Justen
Laura LaRue
Jeffrey Olson
Jeff Sevener
Julie Sittler
Angela Swan
Gail Willert
n. noun
1. Either extremity of something that has length. The end of the pier.
2. The outside or extreme edge or physical limit; a boundary. The end of town.
3. The point in time when an action, event, or phenomenon ceases or is completed; the conclusion. The endof the day.
v. verb
1. To bring to a conclusion. Let’s end this discussion.
2. To form the last or concluding part of. The song that ended the performance.
3. To destroy. Ended our hopes.
E/ND reception: October 31, 2015

a themed all media art exhibition, ‘ellipse,'
in conjunction with the Old Courthouse Arts Center and The Clayworker’s Guild.


E/Glued 2011

Schaumburg Prairie Center for the Arts 2010
interview and overview of the exhibit on youtube:

E/smaller works
Old Courthouse ArtCenter, October 2009

E/Go 2008
E/Go art exhibit held at the Dole Mansion's Sage Gallery in Crystal Lake.

E/mersion 2008
The art at the Emersion art exhibit
E/mersion an overview of the exhibit held at the Dole Mansion's Sage Gallery in Crystal Lake.

1-nite stand 2007
1-nite stand was held at a historic industrial building in Downtown Harvard, Starline gallery.