STATEMENT As a child I found it difficult to express the intensity of my experiences. Not a particularly verbal kid, I found communicating my wants and needs challenging and was often physically angry and emotional. Growing up, I was often described as “always drawing.” Through this I found a way to create a visual language (visual journaling) which helped me process my feelings and personal experiences, as it continues to do to this day. For BRIDGES, I’ve created work that assists me in bridging (understanding) the gap between wellness and illness; from bias and misunderstanding to acceptance and peace. Even as I use my work to increase my understanding in a larger sense, in the end this work is really about my beautiful bipolar sister and the wish for her to make her way back again - |
BIO Victoria Senn is a working Illinois - based artist, administrator for the Old Courthouse Arts Center and contributing curator for E* Art-Group. SHE has worked in watercolor, acrylic, photography, and most recently mixed-media collage. Richly textured and colorful, her widely exhibited collage works combine paint, torn paper, digital print media and bits and pieces of found “odds and ends”. Sennʼs quirky and upbeat works are representationally grounded and focus on the joy and pain of the human condition through her own unique and personal perspective. |
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