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Bridge*s exhibit


legacy E-artgroup



Consistent with my intent to present mindful beings, these figures are like us. Are they fleeing, protecting, escaping, soaring, overcoming...? A wall, a prison, an impossible situation, a personal haunting, a mind that won’t give them rest…? Are they making it, surviving, succeeding, rejoicing…? My life experience is filtered through me — surrounds me as I paint. I cannot escape the realities of children being separated from their parents, human beings treated lesser because they are unfamiliar (we are the same). Are they crossing over? Are we crossing over? Is our society crossing over?

Too many good friends have “crossed over”. Wether bridging life and life beyond, a change in careers, a life challenge or situation, or crossing over to a new city, state or country; or just to the other side … wether a literal or metaphoric bridge … it may take courage, conviction and a leap of faith or it may simply offer a new perspective.

About the painting on the wall across the bridge. As Vicki Senn and I were curating this exhibit, anticipating the interpretations the different artists would portray and allowing our own interpretations to evolve, a surprising connection or bridge became obvious to me. Since junior high, Ronnie Maziarek and I have bridged many stages of our lives together, and we both share a love of art. Some years back Ronnie created a painting of a bridge in which she decided to explore the realistic with the abstract. At the end of the bridge in the painting one sees a sculpture. If you lift the square flap you will see an entirely different abstract reality that I created. Interestingly, considering the abstract nature of my art, I was compelled to build a literal bridge. It then became imperative that this painting of a bridge which crosses over to my abstract world should be included in this exhibit. Thank you Ronnie, for allowing me to include your painting in Bridge*s.

"Crossover Bridge" installation:


A passion for finding images in clouds as a child began bert leveille’s lifelong art journey? Her BA from Elmhurst College derailed her acting career, but, a new love of the smell of greasepaint, and stage environments were telltale signs of “alternative” world-like artwork and art installations.

Collaborations with musicians and performers; dancers playing with her 3-D creatures and dancing thru her 15-foot art tunnel; large-scale paintings; color changing LED lighting; animation and video — all contributing to the illusion of movement; enhancing the installation experiences, and encouraging viewers to immerse themselves in the art.

leveille has an extensive list of solo and juried group art exhibitions, and a not to miss studio during 4th Fridays at Starline in Harvard. As an exhibiting member of E-artgroup, leveille plays an active role in show development and guest artist selections. leveille is a board member, on the exhibit committee and graphic designer of Chicago Women’s Caucus for Art.

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